Representatives of many sectors participated on the first row of public workshops that went through five cities. From February 12 to March 20, these representatives, from the civil society, the government and the technical team of UFMG, met for the Cycle A of the Metropolitan Macrozoning public workshops. In the end, there were a sum of 554 people during the process responsible for a preliminary identification of the Areas of Metropolitan Interest (AIMs) and the Zones of Metropolitan Interest (ZIMs).
The meetings happened in the cities of Nova Lima, Florestal, Brumadinho, Sabará and Matozinhos, covering the micro-regions of the process: East, West, South-West, Center-South and North respectively.
During the data collection for the AIMs and ZIMs, all the presents were able to pose equally the most relevant matters of the RMBH according to their perception. Among the most mentioned subjects concern the areas of preservation, urban mobility and land use. Heloísa Andrade, member of the social mobilization team, adds that the interaction in each city was critical for the project to answer each locality’s demands.
Comprehend and locate the AIMs and ZIMs was the focus of these first five meetings. “The team’s idea was to begin a permanent development planning process. Our worry is to build and to go forward on the proposals for improvement” – emphasizes the architect coordinating the project Roberto Monte-Mór. Monte-Mór also points out that recently the RMBH surpassed Belo Horizonte on population, fact that reinforces a reflection about the metropolitan common spaces.